Thursday, January 22, 2009

Julia Loves Her Daddy

I took this picture when we were in Salt Lake for a baby blessing.  Julia was only a couple weeks old.  I just think she is so beautiful when she sleeps.  I've managed to get quite a few pictures of Julia and Ben sleeping together.  They both get this really calm, peaceful expression.

Ben has been so wonderful lately.  He comes home every night at about 6 for dinner and usually takes Julia for a while unless she has to eat.  She's starting to get to that stage where I am starting to be able to tell that she really loves us!  It is so much fun to see her grow and change every day!

Thought this might be fun!

So I'm not sure how this will all work, but it's worth a try because blogging is free!  My idea is that we can all post pictures and stories, announcements, invites, whatever and then be able to see on one blog what everyone is up to!  It'd be fun too if everyone had their own individual blogs that we could link this one to!  If you have any questions you can call me anytime.  I'm not very good at this yet, but I'm trying to learn and I'm sure Ben will help me figure out anything I cannot.